
My Dream Dream

It was on the night of July 18'13 when I had a long wished dream to dream of him. And surely my guardian Angel granted my desperate plea. 

It was outside of the SM Cinemas and it was so crowded.. Just like people coming out of theaters after the movie- that crowded. I have to walk sideways and squeeze my breath just to pass through though I don't remember what I was hurrying for. And lo and behold, there he was standing like he's everything for me. 

I continued to ease myself through and eventually I'm infront of him. He turned his head and we stared at each others eyes like we were alone in the world, voices around were muted out and it felt like the world was spinning. All I could see was him and all he could see was me. He seemed captivated (yes that's the word I'm not exaggerating). I broke the staring contest first with a smile that denotes that I acknowledged him as my highschool classmate. 

As I was about to step down on the escalator, he held tight of my wrist not breaking his stare at me. I tried to get my hand back and loosen his grip but it was too tight and very intentional. It felt like my heart was gonna burst from his touch.. So I just let him hold my hand and before I know it we were together checking things out in the store. 

Even in my dreams I was being resistant to his affection towards me because it was too much for me to handle. I was being stupid and tried very hard and successfully looking ignorant of the love vibes we are giving off towards each other. Well, I just didn't want to look easy-to-get and be devastated in the end if it didn't go well (like it would ever happen.)

So, I went somewhere when he was not looking and well in the end I haven't found myself towards him. The End.

I feel so stupid for being restrained and ended up losing him. Oh well the dream is finished and it was still a marvelously enchanted dream I've ever had. Having your crush look at you with loving and longing eyes and a death grip that manifests his strong affection towards you...it's more than your heart could handle. ❤

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