

05-27-14 Tuesday

Here I am sleepily lying on my cuddly bed. Today was supposed to be a round two rampage shopping event for me with my siblings. Due to some misunderstanding and achy muscle leg pains, good bye round two for today. Instead of being a lazy piece of flesh, we got our baggages sorted out, itemized, weighed, and finalized for good. My mom while being miles away from us was having Facetime and seems like she was there with us packing our things too. On the up/downside of having my mom watching us is getting some of our clothes packed you're-going-with-me to you're-staying-here-in-the-sunny-country-to-rot. I don't really know what to feel with that decision but decided to go for the positive side. Then rampage shopping it is when we arrive at the maple leaf! The only question left hanging is how much we can afford. Thrifty kid dilemma here.

Avocado shake time! Ooh it looks like it's going to rain. Can already here the loud cricket sounds and it's only 3pm! Ah this warms my heart. I will miss these calm moments here in the sunny country.



05-26-14 Monday

Got all the last remaining 2 weeks here in the sunny country scheduled and set. Why, where ya goin, what's up with that? -I figured you'd be wondering, if not, then let me just tell you a big change in my life right now. Me and mah dear homies are going to stay in the maple leaf country for good! Yep we aren't going back here in a very long time unless I got me some overflowing money boos. *Pardon me for my words and all, I'm listening to... Summertime by Will Smith, good ol 90's rap

Okaaay.. As I have said, we are goiiiing♪♪♪. Well we are going to start a new life there...from scratch. Aww but luckily it seems my fambam is a little too much on the brighter side. Yey! True that nothing is easy, we gotta crawl our way through but with determination, patience, and support from each other, I believe it's going to be a good life especially when we're going to be reunited with our supermom for almost 6 years! Gotta love that part! -BIG CHANGE IN LIFE STORY END-

Moving on about today's Day 2 happenings which is I think is kinda random worthy to post, we went to mall to buy all the stuffs I needed and wanted. So I emptied all the php coins from my water mill bank and counted them like for an endless time. When I finished being all finance business CEO, I got all giddily happy to have summed it in an unexpected amount! Seems like my college student years saved up some good money! That's just the good part. Next up in my counting session are all the foreign money I've been given in different occasions by different loveable people. These money go waaay back since highschool. So I decided to get them converted to php. What good does it do when I can't use it in the maple leaf, granted it could be a savings, but when you got no money on hand anymore, it;s much useful in dire situations like this. Again, after receiving the php converted money, it was like KAPOW! I think you already get the idea of what it means. :>

Now this is where the highlight of Day 2 comes, I got on an impulsive rampage shopping! I WAS NOT being like a spoiled bratita, I even gave it lot of thought before buying this and that. Looking back at my thoughts earlier, it seems like I knew for sure that they were a good deal and worth buying. However, the typical me always had second thoughts AFTER I already bought it and when I'm already at home. Shining and glittering things before my eyes in the mall just suddenly goes gray and dull when I'm already at home. It seems like my house is a reality puncher. Well, just great. :|



I was studying my face in the mirror to see just how much it has changed. And as much as it pains me, I have to admit it changed A LOT. Some people wouldn't have noticed it themselves with their own face because they'd have been fully accustomed to it or they just didn't look closer. In my case, I could see it crystal clear. It's a minute change but still visible. I've lost that school girl touch of mine. All I see now is a grown up woman. I think my face became more distinct and of course adult like.. To be honest, I'm kinda scared and totally not happy. Oh well, we are what we call mortals. 

Although my face has now aged, my heart and mind is still stuck in my school days, still behaves like a brat, watches cartoons and plays Barbies (with my midget cousins ofcourse!). Ah what a wonderful life.. At the very least I'm so thankful to have been given a chance to be alive tadaay! All hail the Lord! Amen! 

So this, my friend, is my recent matured look. Yah I have a very fine eyebrows, too fine that it's not very visible. HAHA


After all the countless movies I've watched and being fascinated with the accent and sounds of words I'm totally clueless about, I've actually decided to take a note of what I really want to do in my life.. Number 1, learn a complex foreign languange specifically German and Russian. Though I might want to add Dutch, Romanian (Ooh Bram Stoker's origin of vampires!) and Chinese (of which I have already half heartedly studied for nine years). The reason for these sudden decision is because my inspiration-level has reached its peak! Especially when the "influencers", pa and bro, constantly watch army/government/undercover-related movie flicks (of which is the source of my new found life mission). 

Think about this, in the world full of politics, money and communication, being able to speak different languages is a big advantage! You could even get hired into the intelligence like CIA, FSD, SVR or M1-6. Naaaw I'm kidding, you don't wanna get involved with those higher ups, the work could get you killed! You feel me? 

Anyway, it's just great to be able to speak and understand other languages. It somehow gives you a superior feeling and you could totally use it especially when you're in their country.

So because of my unbreakable determination, I'm already learning German now! I'm so happy and all but what frustrates me is that I can't effin' pronounce the "Ich" "Nicht" properly!!! Well that aside, I'm doing pretty awesome! Can't wait till I'm effin speaking German like I was raised in Germany! Yahoo!!! 

To prove my claim (I don't really need to prove anything. I just like saying that..for introduction purposes haha!), here's a screenshot. 

I can even understand German now! Even when it is being spoken! Before all these learning thingy, all I hear is a series of "shh schhh schlak aysh bla bla wth bla"! How awesome am I now?! I can even spell it right! Though the tomato part is kinda funny and irrelevant..who cares!!! Ja! German! 


Visual Reflex

While watching American Hustle, pencil in my hand and a piece of paper in front of me, a part of my mind just went synapsing my hands to drawing this! First it was my name, then after watching how pretty Amy Adams' eyes were, I unconsciously started drawing the eyes, and then so on.. I personally think that what I drew looks like Audrey Hepburn. It must be the eyes and the make-up effects.. Oh well, not bad for a non-artist me.