
Ze Insecure

My grandfather's a 3/4 Chinese, but I think it's close to a full one. So that makes Daddy-O (bored to death to solve fractions) part Chinese and me part-part Chinese. Even so, I don't seem to have any resemblance from my ancestral lineage. It makes me all uneasy carrying this family name and being surrounded by little eyes.. Now, then.. What will my complaining do to me? Nothing. That's right, nothing. Now that I've just read my useless, utterly hopeless desperate mumblings, I've come to a resolve! I must embrace myself and be proud of it! Now I can just forget about the physical aspect and concentrate to the next lineage, Italiano baby! Hyaaaa~ Boastful mode on, forgive my rudeness. 

Ah, now that I look at it. My esteem dropped again...to *calculating. Compared to their achievements, I'm.. oh nevermind. I love them and I'm proud. I think that's what matters right?

Harris Twins

Bristish boys equals love around the world! Since my beloved Avox Veekisi is a die hard fan of Britsih boys, she shared this to me. And ooh once you've watched them, you can't just stoooop! Just wanted to shuuur this to you. Aren't I so generous? and kind? Well, most people would prefer to keep silent about their new found lovapalooza addiction. I'm not one of them..sometimes. Well then, pirates, have fun!

By the way, they're twins and it doubles the oooh glitters in the eyes! *sparkle *sparkle

PS These vids are certified to be ooohlaloved by guurls. Not sure with men though. But if you men of humanities happen to like them, well I wish you good luck and a happy happy happy gay lives! Just kidding!

For more videos check out Jack and Finn The Better Twins!


Everyone knows I'm an anime addict addict addict. It's just a world where I could waste my time here on earth and actually have fun watching and day dreaming about it..I don't have any regrets or so, just that I wish I was an anime! Ah that's my hopeless dreams talking. HOWEVER (oooh I'm so fond of using these kind of words, makes me feel like a genius), I firmly believe that I'm a perfect candidate of being an anime. Just look at this picture of me. I could pass as a real anime!

Although I don't do cosplays and getting all those *sniff amazing costumes, it doesn't make me a less fan of anime. I'm a 100% otaku for crying out loud! Life is just too short to die early because of bankruptcy caused by buying costumes and props.. But! If anyone is willing to lend me one, sure why not, YOU'D be so honored that I'd be wearing it! Ooops, ego talking, sorry about that. Pssst, do I really look good in that wig?

Scrap booking: Royalties Theme

Long time no blog, blog! Oh, how I miss how my fingers go wild with the keyboard sputtering and typing nonsensical things..like now. TEEHEE. Okay, so we were given a project to make a scrap book about antidepressant drugs. Goodie luck, it's my forte..or so I assume. Damn, here comes the regret creeping in the back of my brain saying "You shouldn't have taken nursing! You of all people who is a feeler who think she's an artist should have pursued that feeler-talent!" Bla bla bla. Anyway, here's a sneak peak (it's the WHOLE deal!) of what we made.

 Used felt paper textured cartolina! Still haven't finished the cover page. Blank mind on this one. 

 Ah this one looks like a nine-tailed fox! 

 I really have no idea why I drew hands there, it looks creepy as hell. Creepily elegant!

 Oh.. This oneis nvm. I've ran out of cut-out designs and silver ink.

 And I'm special mentioning here my book buddy, Avox Veekisi for this amazing doodledoo!

 Ah this is the part where the silver pen died.

 And a special mention here to my very "ARTISTIC" friend who just pasted everything that she reaches, Mrs. Youngerwife.

 Hello to you too, Mrs. Youngerwife.

 The look from infinity and above! 


Hey hey hey. It's hasn't been a minute since I last posted (actually it's still loading due to the pictures). Oh well. Tonight, I'm gonna present you my ever adorable cutiepatooooties wallpaper featuring, Morbo! From Futurama tevilivision series. Since I lovapalooza green, especially light and neon green, except mint green, I think he's so made for me! Feeler mode on, sorry about that. FURTHERMORE (oh I how I love that word), he's an effin' alien! And if you know what I mean...I LOVAPAPAPAPAPALOOOOOZASKI aliens, especially the alien in the Toy Story!

So here's how my desktop looks like, isn't it lovely?

Aww. Don't get all shy about it, Morbo.. Me loves you!

So check out Morbo live in action!  Clicker this link Morbo Live In Action and I swear to Morbo, you'd get tons of air in your stomach! BTW, Morbo's a news anchor just so you know. So he's quite popular and popular. Have fun fun fun!