

As the title depicts, I want to redesign my blog too! I want my blog to be like ganda-ganda.com 's where it gives off that fresh reader friendly aura! Tomorrow, rather, later (its 1:37am) Ima try my best doing graphics or whatever. Watch out for the transformation!

Side note: How accurate is this alien? Well, alien, I might add, just wait what I will do later and you'll be more than fascinated!


Calming. Relaxing. Whatever you call it. These are the music I listen to that takes me to places I've never been, where castles rises up to the sky, vines crawling up the stone walls, people dressed up in renaissance gowns, fields of flowers and grass as far as the eyes can see, and a cool breeze that just makes you close your eyes and think of happy thoughts.


Polaroid-inspired, 'polaspired', get it?

It has been awhile since I blogged and when I blog, I go all out! If you (but I know you wont, who in the right mind would go check just to make sure?) take a look back into my previous posts, they were mostly done in one day in another month in another year. You get what I mean? HAHA Oh random ramblings it is.. When it hits you, you just gotta do what you gotta do you know. Just letting it flow out even if they don't relate to the topic, like what I'm doing now. Whoops.

Okay so I labs editing. I love it. I feel passionate with it. I can devote myself to it. Well, in another lifetime I will pursue whatever course that is related to it. IF I still have the spare time and loads of cash, why not try it in this life, right? We'll see, we'll see.

Here ya go, I love how the color jives with each other.


Back to Racking Brains

On 12/ 7-8 /2013 I took the Philippine Nurse Licensure Exam and on 01/15/2014 PRC released the board passers of 10K out of 35K board takers. With God's grace I passed on my first try. Unfortunately its been more than 3 months already and I'm still in the idle phase. One could say in a harsher vocab as in an unemployed state of life, unproductive phase, or wasting life phase. Not that I don't disagree but well I have my own personal acceptable reasons.

I am actually planning to work out in the wild with the beavers and maple leafs! The exam is but a stepping stone to be my legal credentials (not that it would do much help there). So with all the idle waiting here in the big hot oven place, I decided to start feeding my brain once again with knowledge my memory have flushed out without notice from me. Oh I just hope the knowledge would hold on well until the exams knowing my short memory is a pain in the ash. 

While feeding my brain about mommies and babes, I can't help but notice my bookmark about faith and   thought it appropriate for me in the moment. After one long 30mins, my artsy side kicked in and I had a tough time holding it in with no success, I went to do what I do best, editing. So this was the result, a crappy not-so-special image as I would have liked it.

The quote says "Faith gives us the courage to face the present with confidence, and the future with expectancy." 

One Authentic Blog

What I'm about to present you now is nowhere near the cliche 'blogger' word where it implies a ridiculously sexy glam girlash who wears trendy stuffs from head to toe with a head down, hands on the hair and crossed feet pose. Not to mention some flowery headband nymphs used to wear only in FICTIONAL BOOKS! No, nuh-uh, not happening. So if you think you could scoop up some fashion idols, better be warned ahead! This is some real authentic blog the world needs!

First off, let me tell you how I came about this beautiful blog. Once in a starry night, after watching a load of Harry Potter movies the whole day, I was so hyped to go to the Hogwarts Studio on London. While browsing pictures of Hogwarts Studio on google, I stumbled upon this magnificent blog (of which I will mention later, so please..patience is a virtue). I tell you, this blog got some worthy pictures and have some bonus sneak peaks of Hogwarts Studio other blogs might have brushed off! So it got me all interested and decided what else they've got in store! Lo and behold, after browsing and reading and browsing, I fell into their love trap!

The blog is being managed by a youthful hearty Filipina and the blog is all about her and her husband's travel around the world! They go to places my heart aches for and captures moments wonderfully! One of the many things I learned from this blog, it really is handy to have a camera skilled companion with you during your highlights in life. They don't have a child and they seem to be in their teen years, haha! not exactly, but when you read the blog, it somehow radiates this happy-go-lucky carefree feeling! Truly they are a match made in heaven! Oh how I wish I could find someone whom I could live life the way they're living it..

Okay I better stop dilly dallying, without further ado, I introduce you to my all-time favourite blog http://www.ganda-ganda.com. Did I mention they also do their own graphics etc? This blog is totally awshuuum! And and the husband, Markus, is an animator! How cool is that? Considering I wanted to be a graphic artist myself too though I don't know if life will let me have it. Well, have fun, enjoy and I hope you get bitten by the travel bug after reading this as it has bitten me a little too much.

PS If you ever liked the blog, tell them about me who referred you! Oh how I'd love to meet them someday!