
Ze Insecure

My grandfather's a 3/4 Chinese, but I think it's close to a full one. So that makes Daddy-O (bored to death to solve fractions) part Chinese and me part-part Chinese. Even so, I don't seem to have any resemblance from my ancestral lineage. It makes me all uneasy carrying this family name and being surrounded by little eyes.. Now, then.. What will my complaining do to me? Nothing. That's right, nothing. Now that I've just read my useless, utterly hopeless desperate mumblings, I've come to a resolve! I must embrace myself and be proud of it! Now I can just forget about the physical aspect and concentrate to the next lineage, Italiano baby! Hyaaaa~ Boastful mode on, forgive my rudeness. 

Ah, now that I look at it. My esteem dropped again...to *calculating. Compared to their achievements, I'm.. oh nevermind. I love them and I'm proud. I think that's what matters right?

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