

Everyone knows I'm an anime addict addict addict. It's just a world where I could waste my time here on earth and actually have fun watching and day dreaming about it..I don't have any regrets or so, just that I wish I was an anime! Ah that's my hopeless dreams talking. HOWEVER (oooh I'm so fond of using these kind of words, makes me feel like a genius), I firmly believe that I'm a perfect candidate of being an anime. Just look at this picture of me. I could pass as a real anime!

Although I don't do cosplays and getting all those *sniff amazing costumes, it doesn't make me a less fan of anime. I'm a 100% otaku for crying out loud! Life is just too short to die early because of bankruptcy caused by buying costumes and props.. But! If anyone is willing to lend me one, sure why not, YOU'D be so honored that I'd be wearing it! Ooops, ego talking, sorry about that. Pssst, do I really look good in that wig?

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