

After all the countless movies I've watched and being fascinated with the accent and sounds of words I'm totally clueless about, I've actually decided to take a note of what I really want to do in my life.. Number 1, learn a complex foreign languange specifically German and Russian. Though I might want to add Dutch, Romanian (Ooh Bram Stoker's origin of vampires!) and Chinese (of which I have already half heartedly studied for nine years). The reason for these sudden decision is because my inspiration-level has reached its peak! Especially when the "influencers", pa and bro, constantly watch army/government/undercover-related movie flicks (of which is the source of my new found life mission). 

Think about this, in the world full of politics, money and communication, being able to speak different languages is a big advantage! You could even get hired into the intelligence like CIA, FSD, SVR or M1-6. Naaaw I'm kidding, you don't wanna get involved with those higher ups, the work could get you killed! You feel me? 

Anyway, it's just great to be able to speak and understand other languages. It somehow gives you a superior feeling and you could totally use it especially when you're in their country.

So because of my unbreakable determination, I'm already learning German now! I'm so happy and all but what frustrates me is that I can't effin' pronounce the "Ich" "Nicht" properly!!! Well that aside, I'm doing pretty awesome! Can't wait till I'm effin speaking German like I was raised in Germany! Yahoo!!! 

To prove my claim (I don't really need to prove anything. I just like saying that..for introduction purposes haha!), here's a screenshot. 

I can even understand German now! Even when it is being spoken! Before all these learning thingy, all I hear is a series of "shh schhh schlak aysh bla bla wth bla"! How awesome am I now?! I can even spell it right! Though the tomato part is kinda funny and irrelevant..who cares!!! Ja! German! 

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